Legacy Executor Services will guide your loved ones through the legal maze after your death.

What Is An Executor?

What is an executor and how do you choose one?

An executor is the person(s) or organisation(s) you choose to administer your estate and carry out the wishes in your will.

You are free to appoint anyone you wish to be an executor provided they are over the age of 18 and are not one of the official witnesses to your will.

Up to four executors can act at once however they all have to act jointly so it might not be practical to appoint that many. Having said that it is prudent to appoint more than one in case one of them dies before you. For example, you may choose a trusted family member or close friend alongside a professional executor.

See the benefits

The benefits of using a professional executor


There are responsibilities placed upon executors including potential liability for actions taken or a failure to act.


A professional executor can ensure matters are dealt with impartially and provide a trusted focal point for interested parties.


The offices at Legacy Executor Services are manned from 9am to 5pm each and every working day.

Why you should choose Legacy Executor Services as your professional executor

The death of a loved one is a traumatic time for all involved and executorship adds a further burden upon those chosen to carry out your wishes.

An executor is responsible for:

Identifying and making contact with all the organisations involved in your life and gathering information on your estate’s assets and their value.
Identifying and settling any debts or liabilities against the estate.
Collecting all the deceased’s assets and ensuring that they are protected until they can be distributed to the beneficiaries (for example arranging buildings insurance cover).
Identifying, locating, and contacting all the estate’s beneficiaries.
Calculating the estate’s value and any tax owed to HMRC
Applying to the probate registry and HMRC for a grant of probate or letters of administration
Selling or transferring any property in the estate
Distributing the estate according to the wishes in the Will or through the laws of intestacy – This will include; paying the legacies, transferring specific items of property to the beneficiaries, paying out the residue of the estate to one or more specified beneficiaries or holding the property in Trust on the terms specified in the Testators will.

Whilst any family member or trusted friend will no doubt be keen to uphold and see through your wishes the above will all be new and unfamiliar to them. Appointing Legacy Executor Services as executors alongside your family or friend choices relieves the administrative burden placed upon your other executors.

Let's Get In Touch!

We're here to help every week, Mon - Fri, 9am - 5pm.